As I do on my other blog, Dallas Shooters Baseball Club, I am posting a copy of Hillard's article on the Bible being from the mind of God. I wish I were posting more on this blog but haven't. I don't have a good excuse. On my Dallas Shooters blog I copy a lot of articles and sometimes highlight things I think should be payed special attention to. In this article Hillard already bolds certain things needed to be payed attention to. I hope this is the first in many copied articles I post up here.
Thank you all for your prayers and support. Even people who know nothing about this blog but pray for me, I am extremely grateful and really do feel your prayers. Its been a crazy month plus for me and my family, but when I have asked for prayers I have to tell you that I have and do feel them. God is present in my life, I can tell you that without a doubt.
There have been times I felt distance and times I have felt so close to Him. Knowing that He is with me even when I don't feel it always brings me back closer. Sometimes life feels like a roller coaster to me I am reminded of his love for me at every twist, fall and rise. When this roller coaster is over I am at peace God loves me and I am one of his children. He was, is and is to come. From before time through the end of time and after, he always loves me. His love is eternal and always present. Jesus was the sacrifice for our sins given to all my brothers and sisters in Christ. Death was not His end as He rose again.
Thank you Lord.
My Savior, My God
by: Aaron Shust
If you compare the Bible to other religious books, it becomes apparent that its distinctive characteristics are unparalleled. The Bible is the only source for acquiring a correct knowledge of God's plan to save man from sin. If we place our faith in it and allow it to guide our life, we are guaranteed a home in heaven. Many Christians today do not realize that the Bible is our authority for learning and teaching the truth. If we arm ourselves with the facts and evidences that are available within its pages, it will prove that only God could have written such an amazing book known as the Bible. In your search for the facts, don't stop with this article. It only scratches the surface of what God wants you to know.
Many other books are revered as sacred and claim to be inspired, such as, the Koran; containing the revelations to Mohammed by Allah. It is believed by Moslems that Allah is the Supreme Being. The Veda, used in Hinduism, is believed to be sacred literature. Many other religious books claim to be revelations from God but they do not contain fulfilled prophecies and cannot be compared to the Bible. The Old Testament used types and symbols to describe historical events, institutions, ceremonies, offerings and feasts which point to Christ and His church in the New Testament. (Isaiah 53, Micah 5:2, Daniel 2:44; 9:25-27, Jeremiah 23:5-6, Psalm 16:8-11). Many Scriptures tell the place of Christ's birth, His ancestry, how He would be received, and the facts about His death, burial and resurrection. Read some of the prophecies about Jesus' birth in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2), born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14), a forerunner (Malachi 3:1, 4:5), the disciple who betrayed Him (Psalms 41:9), for 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12). At His trial, His disciples would forsake Him (Zechariah 13:7). He would suffer in silence and be beaten (Isaiah 53:7). His hands and feet would be pierced (Psalm 22:16), vinegar and gall would be offered to Him (Psalms 69:20,21). His garments would be divided (Psalms 22:18), He would die among the wicked, but His grave would be among the rich (Isaiah 53:9), none of His bones would be broken (Psalms 34:20), He would be resurrected (Isaiah 53:10-12; Psalms 16:10). These are but a few of the predictions and prophecies of Jesus in the Old Testament that were fulfilled, in minute detail, hundreds of years later. It is impossible for humans to have continued the writing of the Bible, throughout the centuries it took to complete it, without the direct guidance and instruction of God. No human could have fulfilled all the prophecies perfectly as did Jesus.
About 40 different men were instructed by God to write the 66 books of the Bible. It was written in 3 languages, over a period of some 2000 years, from many different countries, all walks of life, and on hundreds of different topics. Only God could have maintained the oneness and purpose of the Bible over such an extended period of time. With the 66 books of the Bible, the writers put one book together. Each piece fits together perfectly to tell the true story of God's love for man by sending His Son Jesus to redeem us from sin. The Bible could not have originated with man. It came from the mind of God; it is unmatched by any other book in history.
Rob's Side Note: Check out Josh McDowell's "More Than a Carpenter." Its Josh's testimony of how he was came to believe Jesus was who he said he was. I like it so much because I like reading C.S. Lewis' take on the Christian faith. These guys went from being an atheist, extreme as these two were in their beliefs, to knowing God and putting their faith into Him. Cool testimony coming from an impressive mind.
For centuries, critics have tried to undermine the Bible so as to weaken its authority and cause people to doubt its accuracy. They have denied that writing was invented by the time Moses was supposed to have written the first five books. They denied that Abraham's native city of Ur existed. They denied the existence of people who were called Horites and Hittites. They denied that the nation of Israel was ever in Egypt and that the walls of Jericho crumbled as the Bible states. They have denied much of the Bible's chronology and have reduced the flood to nothing more than a paddle boat ride. But one by one the objections fell as archaeology uncovered evidence to confirm the historical accuracy of the Bible. There are no records or accounts of ancient history that can compare to the exactness of the Bible. God gives the evidence to prove everything He asks us to believe. Because you have not discovered it doesn't mean the evidence is not there for you to know. Most of us would rather take someone's word than to search for our self. The tendency to do just that is why so many people accept false teaching.
Early in history, many ideas about the world and universe which were thought to be true (but were no more than guesses) turned out to be wrong. Many scientific truths, hidden for centuries, have been discovered just in the last few centuries. The small scientific treasures listed below stand as evidence that the Bible is inspired of God.
Astronomy. Before Columbus and Magellan sailed around the world, the earth was believed to be flat. Yet the Bible said it was round, (Isaiah 40:22; Proverbs 8:27) and supported on nothing, (Job 26:7). The stars cannot be counted, (Jeremiah 33:22). Stars give off sound, (Job 38:7) and function according to heavenly laws, (Job 38:33). The moon is a reflector; a witness testifying for another, (Psalms 89:37). The universe is not humanly measurable, (Jeremiah 31:37).
Oceanography. The seas were created with a common bed (Genesis 1:9). There are streams or paths in the sea (Psalms 8:8). The ocean floors are coursed by canyons (Job 38:16; 2 Samuel 22:16). and contain fresh water springs (Genesis 7:11; Job 38:16).
Meteorology. The water cycle involving evaporation, transportation, condensation and gravitation is suggested, (Job 36:27-28; Eccle.1:7). Electricity causes rain, (Job 38:26). Air has weight, (Job 28:25) and rushes in circuits, (Eccle.1:6). Physics. Neither matter nor energy is presently being created. (Genesis 2:1); instead the universe is running down or wearing out, (Isaiah 51:6; Psalms 102:26; Hebrews 1:11). Light requires time to travel through space and thus exists in a path (way)-- (Job 38:19,24).
Biology. Life does not arise spontaneously, (Acts 17:25). Living things reproduce according to the laws of heredity, (Gen 1:11, 12, 21, 24). There is a basic difference in the cell structure of the major classes of living things, (1 Cor.15:39).
Medicine. Sanitation laws infer germs, (Leviticus 11:29-36,; Deuteronomy 23:12-14). Life is in the blood, (Leviticus 17:11) and all nations share a common physical unity, (Acts 17:26). The eighth day is ideal for circumcision, (Gen.17:12).
Scientific Foreknowledge. This is only one of the many ways the Bible proves that it came from the mind of God. Other books will contain truth mixed with error, whereas the Bible contains nothing but the truth. It is not just a textbook on science or philosophy. If the Bible makes a statement about either, it's always correct.
For over 1900 years the New Testament has survived many attacks. None has been able to destroy it or the faith of Christianity. In A.D. 303, Diocletian ordered the Bible destroyed. Today, it is the all-time best seller of books in the world. In 1718, the infidel Voltaire predicted he would have the Bible extinct in 100 years. Soon after his death the British and Foreign Bible Society was founded and used Voltaire's presses for printing Bibles. They used the room where he wrote his attacks to store them. Jesus said, "Heaven and earth will pass away but my words shall not pass away" (Matthew 24:35). Today, skeptics continue to throw doubt on the authenticity of the Bible, and yet more people are convinced of its truth than ever before. These attacks will come from men of science, education, psychology, politics and so on, but the Bible will remain. It predicts these attacks will come, (2 Peter 3:1-7) and promises that it is indestructible (1 Peter 1:23-25).
God uses the Bible to guide and direct man because its truth is stable and unchangeable. He does not direct us through our feelings. Emotional experiences have little or no place in acquiring correct Bible knowledge. Our individual feelings are created by what we think and experience. Feelings change and often are extremely unreliable. It is a popular idea in many religions today that one should open up and allow the Holy Spirit to take the lead, depending on Him to give little signs and gentle nudges in the right direction. One is supposed to know when He is leading through his feelings. God doesn't promise the Christian, in the Bible, that He will lead him through emotional experiences. In fact, Christianity is based on the very opposite. We are trained by Scripture, to obey God's commands regardless of how we feel. Loving God is not an emotional feeling but what we do. We are told repeatedly in the Bible, "If you love me, obey my commandments." Serving God and our fellow man constantly puts us in the position of giving and doing what is best for the other person, not what we would rather do. If I feel lazy and don't want to attend worship on Sunday morning, is it the Spirit's instruction? No! If I am wronged by others and have the desire to retaliate, should I listen to my feelings? No! God knows I will feel anger, but directs me in the Bible to control my feelings and sin not. Christianity is a constant battle of denying self and feelings. Christ denied His feelings, allowed Himself to hang on a cross and die, to pay for the sins of the world. Using our feelings as a guide will get us into trouble.
God knows that our emotions are changeable and are unreliable. He never tells us to trust them as a guide to teach us the truth. He gives us a standard (authority) to learn the truth on any spiritual matter that is never changeable; the Bible. It equalizes everyone's chances for salvation and provides the way to prove what is true or false. With it, no one can elevate their feelings or experiences above another. I know people who believe that everything that happens to them is the Holy Spirit's work. If they are happy, the Spirit made them happy. Depressed, the Spirit is trying to get a message through to them. If they are in pain, the Spirit is chastising them, and so on. Such ideas are not biblical. The Spirit leads the Christian through the information contained in the Bible. All of us have the same information and the same leading. A person receives the Holy Spirit when he obeys the gospel. The Spirit then dwells within and strengthens the Christian as he obeys God's Word. But the Spirit doesn't lead the Christian through his feelings.
God teaches and directs man through his intellect. Satan, on the other hand, uses feelings and emotions to bait and deceive us into disobeying God's direction given in the Scriptures. Satan's apostles and servants are dressed as angels of God, 2 Cor.11:13-15. Sin and error is disguised in a beautiful package so that you will exchange the truth for a lie and lose your soul. Satan uses feelings, such as pain, sorrow, loneliness, depression, and even happiness, to mask the truth. Beware of those who discredit the Bible, or tell you to let the Spirit give directions through your feelings. They are false teachers, masquerading as angels of God.
Whatever you may think of God or Jesus, if you examine all the evidences, you cannot deny that the Bible had to have come from the mind of a Supreme Being. The human mind does not have the ability to write such a book, much less to preserve it through the ages. A person who relies on feelings as a guide is re-infected over and over with the same error. By using the Bible, we have a way to know the truth, refute error, and strengthen our faith in God's promises. God's Word has the ability to look into our hearts and souls, like an X-ray machine. It can diagnose the diseases of sin The Bible reveals the struggles with sin and tells how to overcome it, Heb. 4:12-13. It supplies us with everything we need to teach, reprove, correct and train in righteousness that we may be complete, 2 Tim.3:16-17.
The Bible is from the mind of God.